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  • May 13, 2024

5 ways to stay focused during online training

When it comes to online training, it can be tempting to tune out. With to-do lists on your mind, competing priorities, and not to mention that afternoon slump, it can be hard to stay focused. And it may feel like just showing up is good enough. 

We’ve all been there. However, paying attention to training is actually a lot more valuable than you may realize. Studies reveal that employee training can boost performance by over 70% – and your salary. According to a Global Knowledge study, training results in an average 8.6% salary bump. 

Additionally, more and more organizations are tying training to overall performance ratings, which can affect evaluations and career mobility. And with three out of four U.S. employees saying they don’t give training videos their full attention, you may be doing yourself a disservice. 

Here are five tips to set you up for success and help you stay focused when your next training session comes up – it may just pay off! 

Consider taking hand-written notes

Research suggests that taking notes during learning sessions increases memory retention by forming new pathways in the brain and encoding information better in your long-term memory – something that doesn’t happen as effectively while passively taking in information. 

While note-taking boosts memory and comprehension, the note-taking style does matter. Handwritten notes are said to be more effective than digital note-taking on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Studies have shown that physical notes are more accurate, require less time, and result in increased brain activity for better memory retention. 

Take care of your mind and body

It makes sense that a healthy body makes for a more alert mind that’s ready to learn. Unfortunately, rest, good nutrition, and self-care is the first thing to go when life gets busy. And during the work week, it can be all the more difficult to prioritize these things. 

To get the most out of your training, you’ll need a rested mind and body. That may mean taking care of yourself through adequate sleep, exercise, eating well, and even meditation. While these things are great for a healthy lifestyle in general, they pay off dividends when it comes to increasing focus. 

The CDC recommends that adults get seven or more hours of sleep per night. To get the most restful sleep, it’s best to put away electronics at least a half-hour before bed. Getting regular exercise is also important as it enhances memory and thinking skills. And mindfulness meditation reduces stress while improving cognition over time.

Set up a distraction-free environment

When learning online, your environment matters. That means eliminating all sources of distraction to create an environment that is suitable for alertness and learning. From ensuring there is no noise around you to letting in more natural sunlight and making sure you have eaten beforehand, all of these things can help you reduce distractions that can detract you from learning, helping you get into and stay in “learning mode.” 

Create a schedule for self-paced learning

Many training programs incorporate self-paced learning modules that allow learners to complete training according to their own schedule. However, in the heat of the work day, it can fall through the cracks and ultimately, to the wayside. 

Creating a schedule for self-paced learning can help you complete training on time and boost long-term memory processing. Blocking out time will also give you a clear mind to focus and prevent overwhelm by preventing things from piling up. 

For instance, designating the first or last 30 minutes of your day to training will help you focus solely on training and increase the likelihood that you’ll complete it. 

Find opportunities to actively participate

Online training makes it easy to be anonymous and get by without much participation. However, participating in discussions, asking questions, and actively listening to the instructor and other employees can help you stay focused and understand material more deeply in the long run. 

Active participation allows you to better understand different employee perspectives, provide feedback and get clarity on topics, and connect with fellow employees more. As a result, you’ll likely find training more enjoyable, and it can even forge greater networking opportunities down the road with other employees.